Restoring a Configuration Backup

In this entry, we will explain how to restore a backup on a new Zentyal server.


Data will not be restored; for that, you will need to use the backup module [1].

[1]Backup module:


Before restoring a configuration backup, the following considerations must be taken into account:

  • You must be aware that if both servers are on the same network, once the backup is restored, there will be an IP conflict since both servers will have the same network configuration.
  • The considerations described in this link [2] regarding the restoration of a configuration backup.
[2]Configuration Backup:

Lab Environment

The lab environment consists of two Zentyal servers.

Source Zentyal Server for the Backup

On this server, we will generate the configuration backup.

  • Version → Zentyal 8.0
  • Installed Modules → Network, Firewall, Logs, NTP, CA, DNS, Domain Controller, Mail and Webmail
  • Hostname → dc01
  • Domain Name → zentyal-domain.lan
  • External Network Interface: eth0 → DHCP
  • Internal Network Interface: eth1 →
  • Domain Users → sergio, maria
  • Shared Resources → accounting

Destination Zentyal Server for the Backup

The Zentyal server where we will restore the backup.

  • Version → Zentyal 8.0
  • Installed Modules → Network, Firewall, Logs

Source Server Configuration for the Backup

Below is the configuration of the source Zentyal server from which we will create the backup to be restored on the new Zentyal server.

DNS Module

Three A records have been created.

DNS Module Configuration

Domain Controller Module

A few users with email accounts and groups have been created. Additionally, a Windows machine has been joined to the domain.

Domain Controller Module Configuration

File Sharing Module

The shared resource accounting has been created, and an ACL has been configured for the domain user maria with read and write permissions.

File Sharing Module Configuration

Mail Module

A virtual domain has been configured.

Mail Module Configuration

Webmail Module

An event has been created in the calendar for the domain user maria.

Webmail Module Configuration

Creating the Backup

To generate the backup, log in to the administration panel of the source Zentyal server, then go to System -> Backup, give the resulting backup file a name, and click on the BACKUP button.

Creating the backup

Wait for the process to finish.

Generating the configuration backup

Once the process is complete, from the same page, in the Backup List section, you can see the backups, which you will proceed to download using the download option in the actions section.

Backup List


Backups are stored in the directory /var/lib/zentyal/conf/backups/

Destination Server Configuration

On the server where the backup will be restored, log in to the administration panel and proceed with its configuration:

  1. Configure the same machine name and domain as the source server:
General Settings


It is important that the names are the same; otherwise, the Domain Controller module configuration during the restoration will not work.

  1. Ensure that you have at least the same number of network interfaces and at least, one must be configured:
Network Interfaces
  1. Install the same modules that are on the source Zentyal server:
Module Status
  1. Save changes.
  2. Enable the :guilabel`Domain Controller` module and save changes. This will provision the domain with default data; however, when importing the backup, these will be overwritten by those included in the configuration backup.
  3. Enable the Mail and Webmail modules and save changes.

Restoring the Backup

Once the configuration process is complete, go to System -> Configuration Backup, click on Select File and select the configuration backup that you previously downloaded.

Configuration Backup Selection


Before importing it, it is critical to ensure that both Zentyal servers are not on the same network; otherwise, an IP conflict will occur.

Click on Restore, and if the file restoration is successful, you will see the following result:

Successful Restoration.

Then, proceed to save changes so that the information is imported.

Post-Restoration Checks

Once the configuration backup has been successfully restored, you will need to verify that the modules are configured as they were on the source server.

  • The machine name and domain are maintained.
  • The network module configuration has been correctly restored.
  • The DNS module has the A records correctly created.
  • The shared resource and ACL have been successfully created.
  • The email virtual domain has been created.
  • The calendar event for the user maria has been restored.